
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Canggung Dance

Tarian Canggung, a traditional dance, was brought from early historical times, and performed by the people as a form of celebration after harvest time. In fact, it is the people's dance where singing and exchanges of words in stanzas (called 'berbalas pantun') are freely and jestingly called for to the accompaniment of music.
Tarian Terinai, is yet another dance and musical presentation, performed specifically during a royal ceremony. The musical accompaniment is usually provided by the beating of Gendang Terinai (drums), normally performed by five musicians. Awang Batil is akin to a 'story-teller' who tells of the glory and richness of life of the people of olden times. In a sense, Awang Batil is not much different from the minstrels of old England. Awang Batil is an expert with words, albeit colloquial, and as he proceeds with his story he beats a small drum and plays a tune on his flute as and when the story line demands. Such a presentation was normal during a big feast and during one form of festivity or another in times gone by.
Seni Silat is the traditional Malay art of self-defense. It has become an integral part of an official function as it is also performed by individuals, singly or as a team, as part of the festivities associated with the function. Silat takes on various forms, depending on the origin, body thrusts and artistic representations.

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